[Vegan Lifestyle + Yoga] What is Pure Vegan & Vegan yoga?

What is pure VEGAN and Vegan yoga


Many people across the globe have switched to a vegan lifestyle, choosing to live a harmless life. Many times, you would have heard people say, “I am a pure vegan,” and you must have been under the impression that they were following a vegan diet. But if you dig deep into veganism, it has gone beyond a diet. If you are new to veganism and if you are confused between the two terms “Pure Vegan” and “Vegan Yoga,” this article will give you some insights into what they mean. Let’s take a look at what veganism is.

What is Veganism or Pure Vegan?

It means people who are pure vegans avoid animal products for health, ethical, and environmental reasons. It has become a way of life now. It all began with pure vegan food and has now expanded into a lifestyle. Now you might wonder how vegan yoga is different from pure vegan. The next section will talk about that.

What Do Pure Vegans Eat?

Their food is more of a plant-based diet. There is no milk, egg, ghee, meat, or butter. There are many vegan options now to choose from, such as burgers, yogurt, milk, and cheese. However, we are referring to grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Bulgur, amaranth, and rice are good options too. Seeds such as chia, pumpkin, and flaxseeds are great. not to forget nuts and fruits.

Benefits of a Pure Vegan Diet

  • Improves mood
  • Gives a good skin
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves muscle definition
  • Improves muscle tone
  • Improves energy

How to Transition to a Plant-Based Diet

Removing animal-based products from your diet or from your belongings is not going to be easy. It has to be done gradually. Let’s take a look at how you can do this without hurting yourself. You can slowly cut down on ultra-processed foods and meat. Try to incorporate more plant-based foods into your diet. Try to have a smoothie for breakfast, which is a vegan option.

You can opt for almond milk or soy milk if you are looking for liquids for your smoothie. Tofu scrambles will also be a good breakfast option. Make your meals colorful and enjoyable to prepare. Always keep vegan snack options on hand so you don’t have to rely on non-vegan snacks. There are plenty of vegan food options on supermarket shelves now; explore them. Join the vegan food community. It can be online or offline. They will act as a good support system for you. This will help you transition slowly. It would be easier if you transitioned to a vegetarian diet first until you fully adapted to a vegan diet.

A Beginner’s Guide – What is Vegan Yoga?

how vegan helps for yoga

Yogis choose to eat a vegan diet as yoga speaks about “ahimsa,” which means not harming. One of the core principles of the Yoga Sutra, ahimsa, suggests that practicing yoga extends beyond the mat. Even more so than just asana practice, some yogis think that diet is one of the most crucial aspects of a yoga practice. How vegan helps for yoga is that it ensures that you don’t harm any animals, making it a simple way to practice ahimsa. Many yogis promote and even insist that living a vegan lifestyle is necessary.

How to select vegan products for yoga ?

Yogis who are pure vegans and have adapted a pure vegan lifestyle mindfully choose vegan products for their daily work and yoga practices. They use vegan yoga mats (don’t use leather mats), vegan meals, and vegan clothes. As more people become vegan, other products such as pure vegan total body cleanse are becoming available on the market. Pure vegan skincare There are many vegan yoga retreats around the world. Choosing these products is not difficult, as there are so many outlets that sell vegan products alone.

Vegan Product Lists for Your Practice 

Vegan yoga mats – Conventional yoga mats are frequently composed of rubber or PVC, both of which may include animal products or be prepared using hazardous chemicals. Vegan yoga mats are free of any animal products and constructed of natural materials like jute, cork, or recycled rubber.

Vegan yoga clothes- Many yoga clothes items are produced from synthetic materials like polyester or nylon, which are not suitable for vegans. Vegan yoga clothing is now widely available and constructed from fabrics derived from plants, including organic cotton, bamboo, and hemp.

Vegan yoga props – Yoga accessories like blocks, straps, and blankets are frequently manufactured from leather or suede, which are animal products. Rubber, cork, and recycled materials are a few examples of non-vegan substitutes.

Vegan meals and snacks – Many yogis opt to adopt a vegan diet or at the very least increase their intake of plant-based foods. There are several vegan meal and snack options now, including plant-based protein powders, nuts, seeds, and fruit.

Vegan skincare – Many yogis opt to adopt a vegan diet or at the very least increase their intake of plant-based foods. There are several vegan meal and snack options now, including plant-based protein powders, nuts, seeds, and fruit.

It’s essential to realize that yoga may be practiced by non-vegans as well. However, there are now a lot of vegan items on the market to support this way of life for those who are interested in adopting it into their yoga practice.

Do I have to be a pure vegan to practice yoga?

Yoga involves being mindful, observing how you feel both physically and emotionally, and making a decision to modify your lifestyle choices to suit your needs. Go ahead and give being vegan a try if you think it will help you feel more connected to your yoga practice. However, if you don’t think going vegan will work for your body, you shouldn’t let that stop you from attending classes and doing yoga. The answer to this question can be different for every individual because it depends on the amount of commitment that person is willing to make. Just like veganism, yoga is also a way of life, but it has a spiritual connection.

What if being pure vegan is not for you?

What is pure VEGAN and pure vegan food

Not everyone can be a vegan. Our bodies are different, and they have different restrictions, so it’s possible that a vegan diet won’t be enough for your needs. Alanna Kaivalya, a yoga practitioner, was unable to go vegan due to an underlying thyroid condition. That’s not to say she doesn’t engage in other forms of ahimsa practice. She decides to buy regional and organic food instead of going vegan and practices other ahimsa-promoting behaviors.

Yoga is so adaptable and flexible because, in the end, it’s all about finding your own path through the various yoga principles. Therefore, even though some people choose to practice ahimsa by becoming vegans, it is also possible to do so by choosing to be more loving and caring toward others, by choosing not to use physical force, and by loving yourself.

Before you become a pure vegan, it is important that you listen to your body. Being a vegan is not for everyone. See what works for you. Some bodies will not respond to the dietary restrictions. If you think you can do it, gradually transition. This article speaks about eating mindfully and practicing ahimsa in other parts of your life if veganism doesn’t suit you or work for you.

Being a pure vegan is not essential to practicing yoga. However, it is important to practice ahimsa through your thoughts, intentions, and acts to benefit from your yogic practice.

Related Article – Turn Your all Moments into Mindful Moments

Veganism 101: What Is the Difference Between Vegan and Non-Vegan Food? 

Pure Vegan

  • It consists only of foods and products made from plants.
  • Avoids all foods and products derived from animals, including meat, poultry, fish, dairy, eggs, honey, and any other ingredients derived from animals, such as gelatin or animal fats.


  • Includes items derived from animals, such as dairy, eggs, meat, and poultry.
  • May also contain items made with ingredients derived from animals or tested on animals.

The inclusion or exclusion of animal products and ingredients is, in general, the primary distinction between a strictly vegan diet and a non-vegan diet. A non-vegan diet contains animal products, while a pure vegan diet is entirely plant-based.

Difference Between Vegan and Non-Vegan Food?

