Ultimate List of Unique Baby Boy Names That Start With P

Boy Names That Start With P

Explore Our Selection of 101 Baby Boy Names That Start With P

As a name not only identifies a person but also has cultural, family, and personal importance, choosing a name for a newborn is an important and joyful undertaking for parents. Names serve as more than just labels in many countries; they are symbols of ideals and identity. The power of names to create a unique and significant identity for every individual is what gives them value.

Names frequently have cultural or historical origins that help people feel more connected to their ancestry. They can preserve family customs and be handed down through the generations. Apart from indicating ancestry, names may also represent ideals or goals in religion or spirituality. Names like Patrick, which means “noble” or “nobleman,” or Paul, which means “small” or “humble,” for instance, have biblical and historical significance.
A name’s uniqueness and memorability are also influenced by its phonetic tone and rhythm. Parents frequently look for names that fit their surname and have a pleasant pronunciation. This thoughtful choice shows the intention to give a child a name that is catchy in addition to being distinctive.

Names influence a person’s identity and sense of self in modern society. A person’s name might affect their future chances as well as how they are seen by others. As people negotiate many aspects of life, such as school, jobs, and other endeavors, their name plays a crucial role in shaping their personal brand.

Inspire by Collection of Baby Boy Names That Start With P and Their Meanings 

Explore the fun world of names for baby boys that begin with P. These names—from classic selections to contemporary favorites—are all about elegance and delicacy. Choose the ideal name for your child, since each has its own charm and significance 🌟

Unique Baby Boy Names That Start With P 

Embark on a journey of individuality with unique baby boy names that begin with P. These names offer a distinct and special touch, providing a one-of-a-kind identity for your little one. Explore this collection to find the perfect name that sets your baby boy apart with charm and uniqueness.


A timeless and classic name, often associated with individuals who are reliable, friendly, and have a strong sense of community.


A name with historical significance, often given to individuals who are dependable, practical, and have a strong sense of responsibility.


A name with biblical roots, often associated with individuals who are traditional, respectful, and have a strong moral compass.


A name with a sophisticated and modern feel, often given to individuals who are stylish, ambitious, and have a contemporary sensibility.


A name with a regal and timeless sound, often associated with individuals who are poised, refined, and have a classic charm.


A name with a contemporary and cool vibe, often given to individuals who are adventurous, independent, and have a modern sensibility.


A name with a strong and assertive feel, often associated with individuals who are confident, decisive, and have a commanding presence.


A unisex name with a modern and versatile quality, often given to individuals who are adaptable, open-minded, and have a diverse range of interests.


A name with an international and artistic flair, often associated with individuals who are creative, expressive, and have a love for aesthetics.


A name with a regal and timeless sound, often associated with individuals who are poised, refined, and have a classic charm.


A modern and trendy name, often given to individuals who are stylish, dynamic, and have a contemporary sensibility.


A variation of the name Paul, often associated with individuals who share similar qualities of tradition, respect, and moral integrity.


A name with a mythical and powerful connotation, often given to individuals who are resilient, transformative, and have a strong spirit.


A name with a strong and rugged feel, often associated with individuals who are down-to-earth, dependable, and have a practical nature.


A name with a regal and majestic sound, often given to individuals who are confident, poised, and have a sense of nobility.


A name with a mythological and heroic connotation, often associated with individuals who are courageous, adventurous, and have a sense of destiny.


A name with a classic and old-fashioned vibe, often given to individuals who are traditional, respectful, and have a strong moral compass.


A name with an Indian origin, often associated with individuals who are spiritual, philosophical, and have a deep understanding of life.


A name with a modern and trendy feel, often given to individuals who are stylish, dynamic, and have a contemporary sensibility.


A name with a sophisticated and distinguished sound, often associated with individuals who are refined, elegant, and have a timeless appeal.

Special Baby Boy Names That Start With P

Dive into popularity with our collection of baby boy names starting with P. These names have won hearts and stood the test of time, representing both tradition and trendiness. Explore the favorites to find a popular and charming name that resonates with your style for your little bundle of joy.


A short and trendy name, often given to individuals who are modern, easygoing, and have a contemporary sensibility.


A name with an international and exotic quality, often associated with individuals who have a diverse background and open-minded perspective.


A name with an Indian origin, often given to individuals who are cultured, spiritual, and have a deep connection to their roots.


A name with a unique and distinctive feel, often associated with individuals who are creative, individualistic, and have a sense of originality.


A name with a nature-inspired and adventurous connotation, often given to individuals who are free-spirited, exploratory, and have a love for nature.


A name with a strong and rugged feel, often associated with individuals who are adventurous, outdoorsy, and have a love for nature.


An Italian variation of the name Peter, often given to individuals who are cultured, refined, and have a sophisticated taste.


A name with an Indian origin, often associated with individuals who are charismatic, influential, and have a strong impact on others.


A short and simple name, often given to individuals who are approachable, down-to-earth, and have a friendly nature.


A name with a heroic and chivalrous connotation, often associated with individuals who have a strong sense of honor, integrity, and justice.


A name with a classic and timeless feel, often given to individuals who are intelligent, curious, and have a love for knowledge.


A modern and trendy name, often associated with individuals who are stylish, dynamic, and have a contemporary sensibility.


A name with an Eastern European origin, often given to individuals who are strong, determined, and have a resilient spirit.


A name with an Indian origin, often associated with individuals who are small, humble, and have a gentle nature.


A name with a regal and powerful connotation, often given to individuals who have a commanding presence and a sense of authority.


A name with a historical and mythological origin, often associated with individuals who are noble, dignified, and have a sense of royalty.


An Italian name with a sophisticated and elegant sound, often given to individuals who appreciate culture, refinement, and have a refined taste.


A name with an Indian origin, often associated with individuals who are spiritual, philosophical, and have a deep understanding of life.


A name with a sophisticated and distinguished sound, often associated with individuals who are refined, elegant, and have a timeless appeal.


A name with an international and timeless quality, often given to individuals who are worldly, cultured, and have a refined taste.

Pretty Baby Boy Names That Start With P

Explore the charm of baby boy names that begin with P. These names are not just names; they’re a touch of sweetness and grace for your little one. Dive into this collection to find pretty and endearing names that will make your baby boy’s identity as beautiful as he is.


Derived from Greek mythology, the Titan who brought fire to humanity, symbolizing enlightenment and progress.


Meaning “son of Peter,” often associated with the qualities of Peter.


Of Greek origin, meaning “all-holy” or “all-holy one.”


Of English origin, meaning “countryman” or “peasant,” symbolizing simplicity.


A unique name with no widely known meaning, providing an individual identity.


Of Latin origin, meaning “relating to Easter” or “of Passover,” symbolizing renewal.


Of Indian origin, meaning “sacred” or “pure.”


Symbolizing success, wealth, and good fortune.


Of Indian origin, meaning “symbol” or “icon.”


Symbolizing admiration, approval, or reverence.


Of Persian origin, meaning “fortunate” or “successful.”


A variation of Patrick, meaning “noble” or “nobleman.”


Of Welsh origin, meaning “son of the ardent one,” often associated with enthusiasm.


A variant of Peter, meaning “rock” or “stone.”


Of Italian origin, meaning “fortunate” or “prosperous.”


A diminutive of Panagiotis, meaning “all-holy” or “all-holy one.”


Of Hebrew origin, meaning “oracle” or “mouth of brass.”


A variation of Patrick, meaning “noble” or “nobleman.”


Meaning “little patrician” or “noble.”


Of Indian origin, meaning “stone” or “touchstone.”

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Awesome Baby Boy Names That Start With P

Discover the force within names as you explore powerful baby boy names starting with P. Each of these names exudes strength and charisma, providing a robust foundation for your little one’s identity. Dive into this collection to find a powerful and meaningful name that resonates with your aspirations for your baby boy’s future.


Meaning “little patrician” or “noble.”


Of Old English origin, meaning “priest’s cottage” or “priest’s dwelling.”


Referring to the city in Italy, symbolizing a sense of place or origin.


A diminutive of Peter, meaning “rock” or “stone.”


Of Vietnamese origin, meaning “wind” or “air.”


Referring to a knight or heroic champion, symbolizing bravery and honor.


Of Greek origin, meaning “sun god” or “shining one.”


In Roman mythology, the goddess of fruitful abundance, symbolizing fertility.


Meaning “apprentice” or “learner,” symbolizing a person in training.


A variant of Peter, meaning “rock” or “stone.”


Referring to the biblical book of Psalms, symbolizing devotion and praise.


Of Sanskrit origin, meaning “cupid” or “son of Krishna.”


A unique name with no widely known meaning, providing an individual identity.


A variant of Panagiotis, meaning “all-holy” or “all-holy one.”


Of Egyptian origin, meaning “lover of the Father” or “devoted to God.”


Meaning “pilgrim” or “palm bearer,” symbolizing a traveler or religious pilgrim.


Of Indian origin, meaning “love” or “affection.”


Referring to a pointed weapon, symbolizing strength and determination.


A diminutive of Patrick, meaning “noble” or “nobleman.”


Of Greek origin, meaning “affectionate” or “loving.”

Uncommon Baby Boy Names That Start With P

Embark on a journey of uniqueness with baby boy names starting with P. These uncommon names carry a special charm, setting your little one apart in a crowd. Explore this collection to find the perfect, distinctive name that adds a touch of individuality to your baby boy’s character.


Of Indian origin, meaning “another name for Lord Ganesha” or “arrow.”


Of Welsh origin, meaning “hill” or “top of the hill.”


Of Slavic origin, meaning “small” or “humble.”


Of Old French origin, meaning “prior” or “monastic leader.”


In Greek mythology, a hero who slew the Gorgon Medusa, symbolizing bravery.


Of Indian origin, meaning “romance” or “love.”


Of Indian origin, meaning “complete” or “full.”


Of Old French origin, meaning “pierces the valley,” symbolizing strength.


Of English origin, meaning “fighter’s town” or “warrior’s town.”


Referring to a clergyman or minister, symbolizing religious leadership.


Of Persian origin, meaning “farming settlement” or “village.”


Of Persian origin, meaning “fortunate” or “lucky.”


Of Scottish origin, referring to a pattern, symbolizing artistry or creativity.


Of Polish origin, a variant of Peter, meaning “rock” or “stone.”


Of Scottish origin, meaning “noble.”


Of Persian origin, meaning “promise” or “agreement.”


A modern-sounding name with no widely known meaning, providing an individual identity.


Of Persian origin, meaning “flight” or “soar.”


Of Indian origin, meaning “knowledge” or “wisdom.”


Of Italian origin, meaning “Easter” or “born on Passover.”


Of Old French origin, meaning “pierce the valley” or “valiant.”

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